Techvedic helps Portugal’s gas transport operator to advance their digital transformation to enable a safe, secure and sustainable future.
REN Gasodutos operates the National Natural Gas Transport Network (RNTGN), which receives the natural gas at the Spanish border, as it leaves storage facilities (REN Armazenagem) or at the regasification terminal (REN Atlântico) and delivers it to distributors or high-pressure end users. REN Gasodutos holds the concession for the high-pressure transport of natural gas, which includes overall technical management of the National Natural Gas System, through which it coordinates the operation of natural gas distribution and transport infrastructures, which guarantee the continuity and security of supply.
REN’s 1,400-kilometer gas pipeline network was built in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Regulatory compliance requirements and potential risk issues awareness lead to effective plans for managing and mitigating such risks. This required digitizing REN’s asset inventory data (e.g., pipeline materials, diameters, locations, etc.) as well as situational data about potential interferences near the pipeline (e.g., construction, buildings, trees, stream crossings, etc.). REN also needed to factor in the population data and wind information required for proper risk models, and have the ability to integrate this information with other systems.